Healthline offers free health advice
This website was designed by NZ dermatologists and outlines a wide range of skin, hair and nail conditions.
Asthma Foundation
The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand (Inc.) aims to help people with asthma and respiratory conditions.
Diabetes affects over 200,000 New Zealanders. This website contains resources, information and guidelines that can help. It includes a separate kid’s section.
The National Heart Foundation
The National Heart Foundation has resources around cardiovascular disease. It includes patient resources, and healthy heart guidelines and publications.
Herpes Foundation-NZ
The NZ Herpes Foundation website provides information on this condition, its treatment and advice. Its news section includes FAQ, current research and personal stories. The site offers a free information pack to be posted on request; gives links to several other sites and provides a reading list. There is an e-mail address for contact as well as lists of sexual health clinics and support groups throughout NZ.
Contains details about the current New-Zealand childhood vaccination schedule. Also has other good sections including information and questions and links to other sites
Muscular Dystrophy Association
The Association is run by those affected by Muscular Dystrophy and related Neuromuscular Conditions to provide accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date information, advice, on the condition. The site provides contact information including an e-mail address and 0800 number; links to articles in their “In touch” newsletter; and a donation section.
Stroke foundation- NZ
This is a non-profit foundation to help people with a stroke and their families and caregivers, by providing information, support and rehabilitation. The site has sections on how to understand and prevent strokes including a self-assessment chart. The pages for health professionals includes links to medical websites and resources. There are contacts for 4 national offices, including an 0800 number and e-mail addresses. There is a section for resources and donations.
Health Navigator
Developed by health professionals and volunteers, Health Navigator NZ is your front door to trusted health and self-help information for all New Zealanders. With so much information online, finding reliable information when you need it, is not so easy. This website links you to the best resources from NZ health organisations and beyond.